Top 5 Latest Tech Trends in Office Spaces | Smartwoks

There has been a significant shift in the workspace trends, technology, and ecosystem since the outbreak of Covid-19. There's a rapid enhancement in tech trends in the office spaces to offer a sense of safety and satisfaction to the workforce. These trends are directly creating a huge impact on employee satisfaction and insecurities in the workplace.

Today's workforce is more inclined toward tech-enabled office spaces because this can help them to reduce the time consumed in day-to-day business operations.  With the use of technology in the workplace, businesses can easily access and evaluate their processes which can ultimately help them to identify and eliminate the threats to potential business growth.

tech-enabled office space

The 5 top latest tech trends in office spaces are as follows:  

  1. Hot Desking: Hot desking is one of the most opted models where employees can have access to their workstation on a first come and first served basis. This is one of the latest tech trends that overrules the traditional work culture of formal reservation of seats at the workplace. This allows the workforce to move in with fl
    exibility and work with utmost satisfaction with the motive of organizational and personal growth. The concept of hot-desking also allows companies to maximize space utilization, reduce real estate costs and improve the desk efficiency of their employees.


  1. Meeting Room Management: Another major tech trend that is creating its own reputation in the workplace culture is the IoT-enabled meeting rooms. Tech-enabled office spaces are focusing on this model as well because this will create a prominent impact on productivity. The meeting room management system allows the workforce to minimize time wastage by booking the meeting room in advance, utilizing and managing the interior amenities like projector, TV, and lights with greater efficiency.  


  1. Touchless Solutions: Touchless solutions create a holistic experience for the users. The outrage of the Covid-19 pandemic and its different variants across the globe has been horrifying for employers as well as employees. With the help of touchless solutions at the workplace, employees can get rid of biometric scanning to access their workstations. By simply tapping on the smart device, employees can transform their work experience without physically associating with the official assets. Most managed office spaces are coming up with the latest tech trend of touchless solutions to offer employee safety at the workplace. To cope up with the trend, currently Smartworks is providing office space in 11 cities including office spaces In Pune, Chennai, Banaglore, Delhi, Noida, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Indore and Jaipur as well.


  1. IoT Devices: Introducing the IoT (Internet of Things) Devices at the workplace is again one of the most promising tech trends which helps in providing the next level of flexibility and zestfulness to the workforce. IoT is the integration of physical objects with customized sensors/software for the purpose of effective communication and exchanging of information or data over the internet.  


  1. Hybrid Work Environment: Since the decline of Covid-19, companies are now more flexible and adaptive with the hybrid working model. The hybrid working module allows businesses to reduce operational costs, improve the work-life balance of employees, and ultimately increase the efficiency and productivity of the workforce.  


Hence, these are some of the latest tech trends in office spaces that are offering great value and experience to employers as well as employees. Smartworks is India's leading platform to connect with for the tech-enabled managed office spaces. All you need to do is to connect with Smartworks and your fully furnished and tech-enabled office spaces will be ready for business operations in 30 days. 


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